Strategist & Facilitator
for Social Change
and learning.
For democracy, peace & justice.

About me
I started my career writing policy papers on global warming and organizing local campaigns on democracy reforms across the United States. This early work planted the seed of an idea: durable change only comes from shifting power, and power shifts when people work together. My work continues to center on that idea, even as my career has taken a nonlinear path.
Some things I've done
Organized coalitions and volunteers for over a dozen state-level campaigns on redistricting, campaign finance, and other election reform issues.
Led a team of five facilitators and over sixty civil society leaders in launching a global initiative to protect civic space.
Designed an ecosystem-based strategy for countering authoritarianism for a major U.S. foundation.
Advised universities on how to increase faculty diversity and inclusion.
Launched a micro-grant fund serving Kenyan youth groups as part of a peacebuilding and civic engagement program.
Facilitated a global learning and collaboration workshop with fifty anticorruption reformers from a dozen countries.
Led the first global, multi-year planning process for a multi-stakeholder open government initiative.
Designed a methodology for improving adaptive management, piloted it with a livelihoods program in Nepal, and created a training curriculum for global use.
For much of the past decade, the main vehicle for this work was my consulting practice (Open CoLab) and my writing, speaking, and other public engagement. In 2023, I left behind consulting to take a Managing Director role with the Economic Security Project.